SinoSyn PAO is a viscous liquid used to thicken classic fluid bases to make a variety of high viscosity SAE and ISO grade lubricants. Typical usage levels for various high viscosity ISO grade products can be estimated using Graph I. Low temperature characteristics are very important in synthetic lubricants. Some typical brookfield viscosity results at -18oC, using SinoSyn PAO 40, are demonstrated in Graph II. The Sinsyn PAO is a low molecular weight polymerized alphaolefin that demonstrates excellent shear stability. Examples, using the Sonic Shear and KRL (20-hour Tapered Bearing Shear Test) techniques are shown in Graph III.
SinoSyn PAO has many advantages as synthetic base oils :
Excellent low temperature properties
High flash point and low volatility
Excellent oxidation resistance
Excellent shear stability
Good thickening characteristics
Compatible with mineral oils and esters
- Freedom from impurities